Autumn performances

Not content with a busy summer of performances (see our other post for full details), Nene Valley Community Band will be performing at the City of Lights festival in Milton Keynes on Saturday 5th October.

And then…. Look out for more details on our website and social media of a very special concert in conjunction with our friends at Naseby Village Band, at St. Matthew’s Church, Northampton, on Saturday 19th October, including original music composed specially for Nene Valley.

NVCB Summer Tour

Nene Valley Community Band have a busy summer of concerts ahead of us, so there are plenty of opportunities to see us in action.

Saturday 6th July we will be playing at Hollowell Steam Rally

Sunday 14th July we will be playing at Bozeat Village Fete

On Sunday 28th July we will be playing at Abington Park Bandstand

And we round it off with an appearance on Sunday 25th August at the Weedon Weekender

Hopefully you will see us at one of these events!