Another year at the Northampton Umbrella Fair Festival – 20th & 21st August 2016


And they’re at it again …

Nene Valley Community Band will be performing at the Umbrella Fair Festival again this year on the 21st of August 2016.  We’ll be returning with an expanded repertoire but the same variety of musical styles.  Although it’s peak holiday season, we’ll be there in numbers and make a good showing.

Unlike last year, when we performed a short set at lunch time, we’ll be on in the evening, playing from 7pm, and we’re looking forward to it immensely…

… and if you like what you hear, and if you have a wind instrument you want to play, come and talk to us after the set – whether you’re new to playing, haven’t played for years or play regularly, if you want to join a friendly Community Band, we’re just what you’ve been looking for …